
Title Third member
School Dekalb
Status Uneployed
Relevant relations Danielle's cousin
Height 5'4"
Nickname "Big P"
Quote "Preston, shut the f**k up. No one was talking to you."

McKenna is the third member of the Big Four (see definitions) and is a talkative, bubbly Sophomore (as of 2/22/25). She attends Dekalb High School.

Relevant history


McKenna meets Preston through Danielle.


  • McKenna gets no play. This was verified by the GOAT Preston Dinwiddie on February 23rd, 2025. It is non-debatable due to the fact that everything he says is complete nonfiction.
  • McKenna and Preston did not speak for (estimated) three months, between November 2024 to January 2025, due to inter-personal however ultimately irrelevant conflicts regarding the group. (Expand on later).
  • McKenna's primary method of communication is Snapchat within her school and social circle, which gives her different insight on interactions she has on there, specifically relating to "Snapscores" and "Snapping."
